The Business Case

24 Exchange strives to change the dynamic for market participants so they can increase profitability and gain access to a multi-asset offering at a single value. With the primary concern of not being able to communicate the key slides more visually, the Product Manager at 24 Exchange reached out through a referral to design a pitch decks.

*Data on slides is obscured to preserve confidentiality.
Project Type

Pitch Deck


Financial Services

Project Timeline

2 weeks


Hamilton, Bermuda


The overview deck provided by the client was difficult to understand and engage with. It lacked design and did not include data visuals or aesthetic elements that would make the information easily digestible.


24X did not have a brand manual, but their website was well-designed. Inspired by the same, we crafted a new design language for the overview deck. We used easy-to-read fonts, and incorporated data visualization and custom graphics for key slides to make the information visually appealing.

Visually Appealing Key Slides

Client Testimonial

I strongly recommend Kirk and Harry for any presentation design projects. The entire team has been organized, communicative, and thorough with every project we've thrown their way and despite tight timelines they've consistently delivered high quality work for us.

Paul Millward

Head of Product at 24 Exchange

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